Download Mother (Season 1) 2018 [in Hindi] HD 480p 720p All Episodes (K-Drama TV Series) Watch Call Me Mother (Hindi Dubbed) Online Free


Mother Season 1 Hindi Dubbed All Episodes.

The story about the life of a woman Aya, her husband, and her daughter in Tokyo. Aya is an ordinary housewife who lives in Tokyo with her family. She enjoys cooking, keeping her house clean, and looking after her daughter. But she doesn't know how to cook when she gets home from work! Her husband's always telling her to get a job but she just can't bring herself to do it! Even though things are tough at home sometimes, she has a lot of support from friends and family members. These are some of the most common problems that women face every day. Find out how this mother manages it all with some advice on how you can get through your own struggles.

Aya’s Ordinary Life

Aya was born as a housewife who enjoyed cooking and keeping her house clean. She was always happy with her life as a wife and mother. But she had one problem: she couldn't cook after work! Her husband's always telling her to get a job but she just can't bring herself to do it!

Even though things were rough at home sometimes, she had a lot of support from friends and family members. These are the most common problems that women face every day. Find out how this mother manages it all with some advice on how you can get through your own struggles.

Aya’s Struggles with her Family

As a Housewife

Aya is a mother of a daughter, and she spends her days as a housewife. She lives with her husband, daughter, and father-in-law in Tokyo. In the mornings, she wakes up early to cook breakfast for her family. She cooks meals for her husband and daughter during the day too. For dinner, she likes to make something that she can cook quickly after work.

In this housewife's life, there are many struggles that come from caring for a family and home. But Aya does not know how to cook when she gets home from work! It's a common problem for women who work outside the home every day.

With all of this going on, you would think it would be easy to get overwhelmed sometimes! But Aya has a lot of support from friends and family members which helps her through tough times at home or anywhere else.

How to navigate the workplace

The workplace is a challenging environment for women, which is why it's important to be prepared for potential obstacles.

The first thing you should do if you're a woman who is considering a job offer is ask what the company culture is like. It's possible that they have a more conservative atmosphere and it might not be the right fit for you. If you still think this opportunity might work best for your needs, make sure to put yourself in your employer's shoes as well as those of the people around you. If something doesn't feel right, walk away from the opportunity before any problems arise.

There are three things you'll need to take care of before starting your new job: childcare arrangements, childcare coverage, and dress code considerations. Even if this position will be your only source of income, take these steps so you can maintain peace of mind both at home and at work!

How to deal with family problems

All families have their ups and downs. Sometimes, the problems that come up in a family can seem big and scary. But don't worry! There are plenty of ways to work through the tough stuff.

Working through family problems is hard, so it's important to get support from others when you need it. It's also important to remember that every family has problems and no family is perfect. And while some people think that complaining about your family will make them feel better, it only makes them feel worse about themselves.

When things get tough at home, try to be patient, talk with your partner or other members of the family, and get professional help if needed. You'll get through this together 🙂

Where can we find support?

Obviously, we all need support. The question is where can we find it?

Thankfully, there are a lot of options out there! Friends and family may be the most obvious solution to your problems but they're not always around when you need them. In fact, research shows that Japanese women experience less supportive relationships with friends and family than other women from other countries.

Luckily, there are other places you can go for help! There are plenty of internet communities for stay-at-home moms or single moms to get advice and support from others who have been through similar situations. These communities offer a way for women to share their stories and get advice from people who have been in the same situation before.

Additionally, there are a number of helplines available for mothers struggling with any problem or issue they may be having—whether it's parenting advice or domestic violence. These phone lines provide an outlet for mothers to voice their concerns without fear of judgment.

Where does anybody go from here?

Aya is feeling really down. Her husband just doesn't seem to understand her. He's constantly telling her to find a job because he thinks she's just lazy. The truth is, she can't find it in herself to pursue any other career than the one she has now. She feels like her life has no meaning, like she's wasting away at home, only cooking and cleaning all day long.

But family and friends are always there for her when she needs them. They make sure to give her words of encouragement because they know how hard it is for someone like Aya who stays at home all day with no outside support or connection to the world around her.

Some days, Aya does feel like giving up but then she realizes that that would be letting everyone else down. It takes time, but eventually things do get better because even though things may seem tough right now, they will inevitably change.


This season is all about Aya - her story, her struggles, her relationships with her family and her work life.

This is the first season of Mother, and it is set in Toronto, Canada. We see Aya at her lowest points, and the episodes also explore where she goes from there.

  • Aya's Ordinary Life
  • Aya's Struggles with her Family
  • How to navigate the workplace
  • How to deal with family problems
  • Where can we find support?
  • Where does anybody go from here?
  • Mother Season 1 Hindi Dubbed All Episodes.

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