Come and Hug Me is the Korean Drama which is dubbed actually in Hindi and you can watch the full Drama Come and Hug Me in Urdu and Hindi on this site. If you don't know how to watch then you can watch video from the menu option.
♦ Tereliye :- For You Korean Drama Is One Of The Best Romantic, Thriller, PsychoPathic And Heart Touching Story is Now Available in Hindi By Cardinal Void.
♦ Plot :- A dramatic drama depicting the love of a man and a woman whose lives are linked because of a murder since young age. Despite an unfortunate destiny and the stigma and pains, they will try to be happy and heal their wounds.
♦ Editor :- K.Venkat Sai
♦ Voice Artists :-
♦ 1.Na Gu-Na As Jinia
♦ 2.Cho Do-Jo As K.Venkat Sai
♦ 3.Chai Dal-Gon As Dipankar
Also read :Hotel Del Luna [Korean Drama] in Urdu Hindi Dubbed Complete All Episodes (video player added)
♦ 4.Su Jina As Shruti♦ 5.Kim Sol-Gi As Chintan
QUALITY 480p, 720p
SIZE 250MB, 450MB
BY starfilx
STORYLINE: A dramatic drama depicting the love of a man and a woman whose lives are linked because of a murder since young age. Despite an unfortunate destiny and the stigma and pains, they will try to be happy and heal their wounds. Watch the full drama and give your feedback in the below comments. Thanks
Also read :Start-Up (Season 1) Hindi Dubbed
NOTE: Use Fembed Links for 480p.
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